Spain May 26 - June 1, 2024

an embodied female power journey

Heal past wounds, soften into trust,

and rise as life itself

100% filled:

19 0 spots left

Claim your spot on the journey back to your self

For the woman who's been stuck in her head. Ready to know herself underneath the conditioning, embody her true power, and fall in love with her unique expression.

You know there’s more.
Of you, of life, and what you’re meant for.
Of how you show up in the world, and what you want to bring into it.

Your heart is longing for its full expression.
Even if there’s fear of what you need to let go of - the protection, the control, the keeping it all together.

You long for pleasure and feeling deeply.
To be fully seen and appreciated.
Of coming back home to your body.
For truth.
The truth about your power and what seems backward in the world.
To shed the lies.
About what you should and must.
And what others are telling you that you are.

That your trauma is the problem.
That you're too much.
That what you need is wrong and in the way.

Come back to the wilderness of your heart, your raw intuition
Back home to support and sharing around the fire.
To be held and nourished by sisterhood.

I'll show you how to use your old wounds and patterns as your heroines' journey.
To alchemize the hurt and pain into the deepest love you've ever experienced.
To heal.

Come back home to life itself.
To love. To your power.

It's time to answer the Calling

You’ll leave with

Being turned ON about being you and your unique journey

A deepened connection to who you are and what you want

Sisterhood, soul connections, and support in all corners of the world

A new compass to navigate life with

Excitement about what used to look like obstacles and problems in your life

Having left the victim behind and ready to embody the love you want to see in the world, starting with yourself

A weight lifted from your shoulders (of everything you thought you needed to do and become)

A sense of being fully seen and appreciated

Saying f*ck that to a sense of brokenness, being too much or not enough, and needing to fix yourself

Understanding and feeling where your true power lies

So many tears shed and belly laughter shared

Lighter and more at peace with the world

All of which will ripple out to how you relate to other people and the world

"Thank you for showing me the way to feel what I desire and love it – without my mind judging it or having a protector layer taking over. I’m excited to see where desire leads me."

- Irene B.

"This was the most life-changing experience I've had since I began my journey of self-discovery. For me, it was like being reborn."

- Anna P.

"I feel as there has been integration into the cells of my being that I don’t have to be afraid of big emotions. I can love them, let them be and they will move through, it is really freeing."

- Shannon M.

On this journey, you have experienced guides leading the way back home to yourself.

You, your unique journey and your felt experience, is at the center of this retreat. No one will force you into a new box. Your kinks, quirkiness, shame and embarrassments are equally celebrated with your strengths, beauty and wisdom.

You’ll receive powerful activating practices to explore who you are underneath the old conditioning and step in to an iteration of yourself you feel deeply excited about.

Soul-doula and transformational teacher

Eva Beronius has helped hundreds out of old limiting patterns and into an expansive experience of life. She embodies what she teaches and brings the divine spiritual into the human experience.

Eva has guided others on power journeys since 2018, and let her own experience blend with the power of the land, your soul's longing and love itself.

She is the founder of the Embodied Self Mastery Community and the praised online programs Beyond the Mind and Being Me. You can hear her in the Uncover YOU podcast.

Body work with Matias Yuste

Matias combines Eastern and Western knowledge to help people restore their physical and emotional balance. His specialization is Neuromuscular Therapy which he combines with Deep Tissue, Thai Massage, Relaxing, Teishin and Reiki.

Supporting your process with a bodywork session can help release stored emotions, patterns and energy, and open you up to receive more of the work we do during the week.

Matias is traveling from Costa Rica to support you on this journey. A session with him is optional and at your own cost.

Guest teachers

We're looking at a few exciting names to bring their wisdom to this journey. More to be announced soon.

Our Home

La Finca Paradiso
Eco-Sanctuary and Sacred Space in the mountains of Southern Spain

Situated in the heart of Andalucia, La Finca Paradiso combines the beauty of consciously designed gardens, seasonal menus harvested from the land and the energy of the bed of selenite and quartz crystals upon which it is built.

Chef Katie will serve you sensational meals from the finca's abundant farm. She is the most sought-after chef in the area. Mainly plant-based with local cheeses, organic eggs, homemade chutneys
and jams, their own olive oil, and fresh fruit and vegetables.

On a stroll amidst 33 acres of luscious gardens, you'll enjoy 360 degree views of the Sierra Cabrera mountains and the Mediterranean Sea.

The amphitheater, the solar-power-heated saltwater pools, and the 12 beautifully designed bedrooms are all here to make your stay a very special one.

Creating an experience of Heaven on Earth from the moment you step through its gates.

Visit La Finca Paradiso website

With 33 acres of land, two saltwater pools, an amphitheater, gardens, and Moroccan inspired spaces, there is plenty of room for both group gatherings and alone time.

You are nourished and well-fed - in body, heart, and soul

The Details

Accommodation in double rooms, with option to upgrade to a single room.

Arrival: Sunday May 26
Plan to arrive mid-day at Alicante or Murcia airport. We will arrange a transfer from the airport to the finca at an additional cost. You can also fly into Malaga but will require a longer car-/bus ride.
We start with an opening session after dinner.

Departure: Saturday June 1
We finish with breakfast on Saturday morning, with time to catch a mid-day or afternoon flight.

Daily schedule
Morning movement and meditation
Teaching/process session
Free time
Teaching/process session
Hanging, sharing, music, ceremony

Other activities
1-2 ceremony nights with music, singing, and thinning the veil between you and divine consciousness. We'll explore devotion, heart-opening, and power.

We'll take one afternoon off with an option to visit the beach. The famous beaches of Mojácar and Vera are only 20 minutes away by car. The paradisical beaches of Cabo de Gata National Park are also only 40 minutes away.

Closest town is Mojácar, if you want to spend extra nights in the area.

La Finca Paradiso location

On a power journey, you’re able to uplevel in ways that might have taken you years working through on your own.

During these 6 days in the heart of Andalucia, we will use ceremony, feeling, embodiment, inventory, laughter, our attention, and every bit of awareness to move through unprocessed emotions, limiting beliefs and identification with the mind.

Then we launch our consciousness into the wisdom of the divine feminine.

All with deep support and an environment of nourishment, beauty and power, away from your daily responsibilities.


👉 Guidance and support on how to turn your deepest wounds into your biggest source of love and power
👉 Your meals prepared and no practical responsibilities to tend to
👉 A new, nourishing environment that doesn't hold old habits
👉 A collective energy of uncovering, healing and activation that you can ride the wave of
👉 A non-judgmental environment where your parts and nervous system start to feel safe
👉 Your protective patterns being activated in a group more than by yourself, meaning: a potent mirror to look into
👉 Undisturbed time of being with you and not having to focus on someone or something else

👉 Being led, guided and supported - back home to your authentic self

Put all those things in a cauldron and you'll have a powerful potion for deep-seated shifts.

Answer the Calling

Register for an embodied, transformative retreat experience for your soul, heart, and body. An activation you bring back with you and radiate into your world.

100% filled:

19 0 spots lefts


  • Meals + accommodation in double/triple room
  • One week of teachings, embodiment, ceremonies, power, play and sisterhood
  • Online: Prep session + private group


  • Alchemy: My online program for healing core wounds (value $555)

Not included:

  • Your travel to Spain
  • Transfer from airport ($60-100)

Optional extras:

  • Single room upgrade ($425)
  • Private massage/healing session
  • Beach visit

Investment $2,444 (until March 31st)

Registration closed

  • Registration is closed. Reach out to Eva if you want to look at last-minute options.

Rooms left

  • 1 in double room (shared bathroom)


Answers to your questions

Who will I get as roommate if I choose a double room?

If you have a friend coming you can request to share a room, otherwise you'll be assigned a roommate.

Where do I fly into? Will there be a shared transfer from the airport?

Plan to arrive mid-day at Alicante or Murcia airport. We will arrange a transfer from the airport to the finca at an additional cost. You can also fly into Malaga but will require a longer car-/bus ride.

What's the refund policy?

All your payments are 90% refundable until Feb 29, 2024, including the deposit.

If you cancel after Feb 29, 2024, we’ll refund any payment except for the $400 deposit since our venue has their cancellation policy.

Any cancellations made after March 31st, 2024 will not be refunded.

(For the discounted Black Friday spots, there are no refunds available.)

How do I know if I'm ready for this journey?

If you feel excited when reading about it, but also a bit nervous and scared.

If you’ve done some self-awareness and inner work and want to get to the YOU underneath the old conditioning.

If you feel motivated to take a big leap, get out of your head and embody, feel and expand a new consciousness.

Answering yes to any of the above? Then you’re ready. If your mind wants to complicate it more than that, it’s welcome to. But it really can be that simple.

PS. At the retreat, you’ll learn how to follow your inner compass while holding space for the fears in your mind.

Are there other payment options?

If you'd like to pay through Paypal or an invoice, or need a different payment plan, we're happy to help with that. Simply reach out at

Other questions? Ask me here and get a personal answer!